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Research Oleochemicals and Biodiesel Production Trends 2011-2017

Research Trends Production Biodiesel and Oleochemicals in Indonesia 2011-2017 showing the data, analysis, and industry outlook oleochemicals (fatty acid, fatty alcohol, cooking oil) as well as biodiesel in Indonesia, ranging from production trends, investment trends, increased production capacity, the big players, distribution of the plant site, the trend of exports, imports, labor absorption, as well as a variety of other information such as regulation and targets in 2030.

This research began with the trend of increasing production capacity significantly at four industries, namely refinery (fractionation) or cooking oil, fatty acid, fatty alcohol, and methyl esters (biodiesel). (Page 2)

In 2014 and 2015 there was an increase significant investment in industrial oleochemicals and biodiesel up to Rp 24 trillion, which is boosting the capacity of national production grew at an average 55% (cooking oil 80%, fatty acid 47%, fatty alcohol 85%, and methyl ester or biodiesel 66%). exclusively making research production trends stearic acid, glycerine, fatty acid and fatty alcohol from 1995 to 2016. (Page 3)

The data is then analyzed more in depth on page 4. Similarly, on page 5 created specialized research related to biodiesel production trends in Indonesia period 2011-2016.

To strengthen the research, display the distribution of the production capacity of the oleochemical industry in Indonesia, especially for the production of fatty acid, fatty alcohol, and the final product. The focus of the oleochemical industry dominated distribution in North Sumatra. The total capacity of the oleochemical industry in Indonesia reached 1,599 million tons per year. There are nine major players in between PT Musim Mas with capacity of 450 thousand tons per year, PT Ecogreen 419 thousand tons per year, PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia 132 thousand tons per year, complete with a map of the location of each plant of the company.

The research also outlines the spread map Indonesian biodiesel industry 2014-2016 period. In 2014, the total capacity of the biodiesel industry in Indonesia reached 4.99 million tons, equivalent to 5.67 million kiloliters, with details of Riau and Riau 2.61 million tons, Eastern Java 1.57 million tons, Western Java 364 thousand tons, and other areas 233 thousand tons. There are 17 large-scale players include PT Wilmar Bioenergy Indonesia in Riau with a capacity of 1.3 million tons per year, PT Musim Mas in Medan with a capacity of 235 thousand tons per year, PT Eterindo Whanatama Gresik with a capacity of 80 thousand tons per year, PT Wilmar Indonesian vegetable in Gresik (1.3 million tonnes per year), PT Sumi Asih Oleochem in Bekasi (100 thousand tons per year), PT Darmex Biofuels in Cikarang (150 thousand tons per year), and others, complete with a map of the location of each each plant.

In 2015, the addition of biodiesel capacity of 2.32 million tons per year, bringing the total national capacity rose to 7.32 million tonnes. There are 11 players large-scale capacity expansion in 2015, among others PT Oleochemicals Sejahtera Mas in Dumai with a capacity of 500 thousand tons per year, PT Darmex Biofuels in Dumai amounted to 410 500 thousand tons per year, PT Indo Biofuels Energy in West Kalimantan (100 thousand tons / years), PT Permata Hijau Palm Oleo in Medan (140 thousand tons / year), PT Nusa Energy in Kaltim (100 thousand tons / year), PT Bits Energy in Kaltim (100 thousand tons / year), PT Multi Biofuel Indonesia in North Sulawesi (160 thousand tons / year).

On page 9, displayed a brief profile of the edible oil industry, oleochemicals and biodiesel from the start of investment trends, the number of business units (company), production capacity, real production, domestic consumption, exports, imports, and employment in 2011-2017.

Research is also equipped with a projection of Indonesian CPO production in 2016 amounted to 35 million tons, up 9.3% compared to the projected 32 million tons this year, according to data from the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA). The increase will push the global CPO production increase of 5.96% to 65.1 million tonnes in 2016 compared to this year's projection of 61.44 million tons.

Thus, Indonesia's CPO production next year are estimated to contribute 53.7% of total global CPO production. While Malaysia, the second largest palm oil producer after Indonesia, is expected to produce 21 million tons of CPO in 2016, with a contribution of 32.25% to the global market.

In addition, the data show the world CPO price forecast in 2016, the influence of El Nino and sentiment biodiesel program. As well, the impact on the development of exports and global demand trends.

Also featured coverage of oil palm plantations in Indonesia, the largest province composition based on an oil palm plantation. The land area of ​​oil palm plantations in Indonesia in 2015 is estimated at 11.4 million hectares, with a composition of 5.9 million hectares of private land, 4.7 million hectares of the people, and 0.8 million hectares of state-owned enterprises.

On the other hand, displayed a trend also invest upstream and downstream sectors of the palm oil industry in Indonesia in the last five years, investment incentives prepared by the government, as well as projections of future trends. No lag, presented a special industrial zones palm oil industry is being built by the government, the target in 2030, and the trend of the modern oil industry chain.

Research as many as 27 pages is derived from various sources such as regulators in Indonesia, BPS, BKPM, relevant ministries, as well as industry associations, such as the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI), Indonesian Vegetable Oil Industry Association (GIMNI), processed Index of industrial database is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. Thank you for your confidence to*)

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