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Skincare Market Growth Research in Indonesia 2017-2024

 This 2017-2024 Cosmetic Skincare Market Potential Data Research (Distribution Channel Growth Trends) was released in the fourth week of September 2021 featuring a study of specific data, research on the cosmetic and beauty market potential, a complete database, market analysis, market outlook, and market leader database. This research data contains 59 pages measuring 4.3 MB which was created to be a comprehensive guide and reference for investors, corporations, researchers, and various stakeholders at large.

This Research on Skincare Cosmetics Market Potential Data 2017-2024 (Distribution Channel Growth Trends) is one of the 239 most comprehensive collections of specific databases produced by the team, with wide enough coverage from general to specific descriptions so that they can describe comprehensive industry dynamics.

This data research begins by displaying the highlights of the Indonesian economy, which was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, thus disrupting industrial activities in general. The challenge of an economic slowdown in 2020 is of particular concern to industry players, including the cosmetic and beauty sectors. (page 2 to page 4)

Then followed by the world megatrend towards 2045 and world demography on page 5, highlights of Indonesia's demographics for the period 2010 to 2045 on page 6. Followed by the ratio of the population in Indonesia by region for the period 2010 and 2045 on page 7. And, Indonesia's economic growth scenario with two scenarios (basic scenario or baseline and high scenario) period 2016-2045 on page 8 to page 10.

Entering the focus of the research discussion, this Research on Skincare Cosmetics Market Potential Data 2017-2024 (Distribution Channel Growth Trends) dissects 3 main focuses, namely 1) the growth trend of the market value of the cosmetics and beauty industry in Indonesia for the 2017-2024 period with three main segments; 2) market analysis of the growth trend of the skincare cosmetics market value for 2017-2024; and 3) growth of 4 skincare cosmetic distribution channels for the period 2017-2024.

In the focus of the first research discussion, this study of industrial data starts from the definition and history of the cosmetics and beauty industry. This is followed by a brief profile of the cosmetic and beauty industry in Indonesia which displays the number of companies, export trends, the number of direct and indirect workers, and industry segmentation. (pages 12 and 13)

Followed later, the growth in size business (market size) in value from the cosmetic and beauty industry in Indonesia in the period 2017 to 2024 forecast on pages 14 to page 18. The growth in market value (market size value) in the period 2017-2024 is analyzed related to the main driving factors (catalyst) as well as the main challenges and constraints. Meanwhile, market size value growth in the 2020-2024F period is displayed separately as a market outlook for businessmen to reference.

The team divides the cosmetic and beauty industry into three segments, namely body care, hair care, and skin care. This data research shows the growth and segmentation outlook of the cosmetics and beauty industry in the period 2017 to 2024F which is presented on pages 19 to 24.

Moving on to the next discussion, in the second research focus, a study of the potential growth in the value of the skincare cosmetics market in Indonesia for the 2017-2024 period is presented. This data is reinforced by the growth trend of 4 distribution channels that support the skincare cosmetic market. The data is displayed on page 25 to page 39.

On page 40 to page 50, data from the market leader database is displayed that explores market strategies and business insights from market leaders in this sector. Meanwhile, on page 51 to page 58, the profiles of the top 10 biggest cosmetic and beauty companies from 2019 sales value on page 29 to page 36. The team continues to update market leader profiling from previous data research based on 2015 and 2017, and in data research. it's based on 2019.

This 2017-2024 Skincare Cosmetics Market Potential Data Research (Distribution Channel Growth Trends) contains as many as 59 pages and is 4.3 MB in size. This data comes from a comprehensive research team from with data support from BPS, industry associations, government agencies, and a number of cosmetic companies both in Indonesia and the world. Industry data index is the latest feature in which displays hundreds of selected data according to user needs. As of the end of September 2021, there were 239 research specific data from 22 industrial sectors. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users carry out the process according to the procedure, namely click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented. Thank you for your trust in*)

Source: click here


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