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Indonesian Industry Infrastructure Research 2015-2019

Indonesia Infrastructure Industry Research 2015-2019 (Opportunities Manufacturing Production Base 2017) was released end of December 2016 data display, outlook, assessment, analysis, and research related to all the information about the infrastructure manufacturing industry in Indonesia, ranging from the economic outlook in 2017, the trend of industrial infrastructure, trends industrial areas, development of the infrastructure budget, up manufacturing investment opportunities in Indonesia.

Indonesia Infrastructure Industry Research 2015-2019 (Opportunities Manufacturing Production Base 2017) starts from general information related to highlight the economic development of Indonesia, ranging from the impact of global economic uncertainty, the trend of investment growth, exchange movements, to infrastructure problems in Indonesia (pages 2-7 ). Data was reinforced by the trend of national economic growth 2007-2016, comparison with the major industrialized countries (page 8) as well as the distribution of economic growth per region in an attractive graphical period 2010-2030 (page 9).

Continues on specific discussions, featuring outlook for the Indonesian economy in 2017 ranging from domestic challenges to the external risks from the US and China (pages 10-12) as well as trends in energy prices index movement period 2010-2020 (page 13). With the outlook can be assessed scenarios Indonesia's economic growth per quarter since 2014-2017 (page 14). In addition, the upward trend in economic value added per province can be seen on page 15 in an interesting graphic.

Then, move to the discussion of the infrastructure, Indonesia Infrastructure Industry Research 2015-2019 (Opportunities Manufacturing Production Base 2017) showing a comparison of infrastructure budget Indonesia with an unemployment rate period 2005-2016 (page 16). Also, the composition of spending for infrastructure projects in Indonesia in 2016 include the construction of roads, railways, ports, airports, urban transport, electricity, oil and gas infrastructure, telecommunications, and others (pages 17-19).

Especially on the motorway, described in more detail on pages (20-21) includes projections of highway construction period from 1978 to 2019 along with growth per year, and estimated repair toll roads in Indonesia in 2017.

Furthermore, the Indonesia Infrastructure Industry Research 2015-2019 (Opportunities Manufacturing Production Base 2017) discusses investment opportunities in manufacturing as a regional production base on pages (22-23). A total of 14 new industrial areas outside Java, are being and will be developed in 2017, is displayed in an interesting graphic on page 24.

Target and realization of the manufacturing industry's growth period of 2015-2019 is shown on pages 25-26, are equipped with improved ease of business in Indonesia on page 27.

On pages 28-29, show the industrial sector priorities that include electricity, labor-intensive industries, import substitution, export orientation and more complete with the relevant subsector. On page 30, described the trend of exports of 10 main products of manufacturing Indonesia 2009-2013 and 2019 targets.

Continues to the discussion of infrastructure projects, these data include data transport and logistics infrastructure in Indonesia, such as the distribution of the airport through 2030. Total general airport now as many as 189 airports, which is comprised of 26 commercial airports (managed by PT Angkasa Pura) and 1,643 airports noncommercial. In 2030, 44 new airport will increase, bringing the total number rose to 233 airports. Also featured expansion of PT Angkasa Pura I and II in the expansion of the airport, including: the need for investment, capacity expansion, and the percentage of growth.

In addition, display port infrastructure that is vital considering that Indonesia has the fourth longest coastline in the world (95 181 km). Number of ports currently reaches 2,392 ports consisting of 111 commercial ports, 1481 port noncommercial, and 800 special terminals. There is a plan to add 91 new ports in eastern Indonesia with an investment of Rp 3.37 trillion. (Pages 31-41)

Indonesia Infrastructure Industry Research 2015-2019 (Opportunities Manufacturing Production Base 2017) also shows the ratio of logistics cost per sub-sectors of the industry, consisting of 24 industry sectors ranging from the food industry, sugar, cigarettes, textiles, paper, fertilizer, chemicals, cement, plastics, rubber, metal, steel, electrical equipment, and automotive. (Page 42)

In addition, the display priority infrastructure development plan 2015-2019 period complete with estimated costs as well as a comparative market size industrial manufacturing, logistics, construction, and other services. (Pages 43-48)

Indonesia Infrastructure Industry Research 2015-2019 (Opportunities Manufacturing Production Base 2017) as many as 49 pages is based from BPS, Bappenas, the Ministry of Industry, Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Ministry of Transportation, and processed Index of industrial database is a new feature in*)

Source: click here
* Need another market research or industrial database, click here


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