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Market Research and Data Automobile Industry (2005-2019)

Market Research and Data Automobile Industry (2005-2019) which was released in August 2016 showing all information, data, independent research, as well as projections and trends in the Indonesian car market. From the start of the largest market share, the installed capacity of the car manufacturer, to data on the number of cars and motorcycles that operate research and data presented in this industry.

Market Research and Data Automobile Industry (2005-2019) was started from the beginning by showing highlights macroeconomic Indonesia, covering 2014-2019 GDP growth, inflation trends, population, middle-class consumer trends, the potential of the local market, as well as trends in GDP per capita. (Page 2-4)

Furthermore, market research showing trends of sales of cars and motorcycles in Indonesia 2005-2019 (estimate) in an interesting graphic. (Page 5) Visible car sales grew historically high since 2009 to 2013 from 486 thousand units to 1.23 million units.

Trends in the competitive landscape of the market share per brand cars and motorcycles are clearly presented with an interesting diagram on page 6-7. The structure of the automotive components industry are also shown from start to single agent (ATPM) to tier 2 and 3 (page 8)

Data on the number of vehicles (cars and motorcycles) operating in Indonesia period 2006-2016 are presented in full on page 9, complete with business opportunities as well as the consumer's income classification. Market research and industry data of this car also comes with a set of projections about the automobile industry outlook. (Page 10)

A number of automotive businesses (market leader-collected in person quote) estimates that 2016 will not be different from 2015, with car sales of around 950 thousand units to 1 million units, lower than the estimated 1.2 million foreign research institutions units. Car sales still positive growth in 2016, supported by positive growth in the national economy, though relatively slow. 70% of car sales are passenger cars, join a new segment cars sustained cheap and environmentally friendly (low cost green car / LCGC). Principal Japanese cars still dominate the local automotive market. The car market share still held by Astra Group with a target market share of above 50%.

Enter into discussion more detail, market research it describes Indonesia as a production base of potential for automobiles in Asia Pacific, the potential of the local market is promising, a map of the major players, historical market trends, the direction of government policy, global market trends, regulatory luxury tax, and potential per car market area. (Pages 11-18)

Do not miss the penetration of cars per 1,000 inhabitants, which reached 43 units, and motorcycle ownership ratio which reached 140 units per 1,000 inhabitants. (Page 19) In addition, displayed the production capacity and the installed capacity of automotive players in Indonesia, including the Astra Group, Indomobil Group, Kramayudha Group. Market competition as well as the automotive industry in ASEAN, including Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. (Pages 20-25)

In addition, market research and industry data is complemented top 15 best-selling car brand and the top 15 highest selling car brand in Indonesia. (Pages 26-28)

Data about 30 pages pdf is derived from various sources such as industry associations namely the Association of Indonesian Automotive Industries (Gaikindo), the Association of Indonesian Motorcycle Industries (AISI), the regulator in Indonesia such as BPS, Ministry of Industry, Investment Coordinating Board, the World Bank, as well as a number of companies automotive. Index of industry data is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented. thanks.(*)

Sources: click here
* Need assistant trading hub in Indonesia, click here


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