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Motorcycle Population Research in East Java (Covering 38 City by Brand, Type, Variant)

The Potential Study of the Motorcycle Market Population in East Java (Motorcycle Population Trends in 38 East Java City Regencies 2019-2021 Per Brand, Per Type, Per CC, Per Variant) was released the first week of December 2022 featuring independent studies, specific data research, comprehensive data, as well as market potential based on a special formula. This data research contains 46 pdf pages measuring 5.8 MB which was created to be a comprehensive guide and reference for investors, corporations, researchers, and various stakeholders at large.

This study begins by presenting a brief review (highlights) of the national economy which has been affected by two major events since 2019, namely the trade war in developed countries and in 2020-2021, namely the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 to 2022. A brief review of Indonesia's economic dynamics is presented in detail on page 2. until page 4. Even though it is filled with challenges, there are still opportunities, especially by observing the megatrends that are developing globally, especially related to digitalization, until 2045.

Then move on to mapping the demographics of Indonesia's population, starting from the projection of the total population in Indonesia in 2045, life expectancy, composition of the population in urban and rural areas. The productive age population in Indonesia is the largest in Asean. (pages 5 to 8) On the other hand, the number and density of population in Indonesia per region are also displayed. As well as the economic contribution per region to Indonesia's total gross domestic product, with the largest portion still held by Java Island.

Followed by projections for Indonesia's economic growth from 2016 to 2045 with two scenarios (base scenario and high scenario). (page 9) Also, indicators of economic growth in 2045 and the stages towards a modern economy. (page 10)

Entering the focus of research, Study of the Potential Population Market for Motorcycles in East Java (Motorcycle Population Trends in 38 East Java City Regencies 2019-2021 Per Brand, Per Type, Per CC, Per Variant) reviews the main focus, namely the number of motorcycle population per Brand , Per Type, Per CC, Per Variant in 38 urban districts in East Java for the 2019-2021 period. The review team from created a special formula to break down the total motorcycle population nationally into motorcycle populations in 38 urban districts in East Java.

The 38 urban regencies in East Java are Bangkalan Regency, Banyuwangi Regency, Blitar Regency, Bojonegoro Regency, Bondowoso Regency, Gresik Regency, Jember Regency, Jombang Regency, Kediri Regency, Lamongan Regency, Lumajang Regency, Madiun Regency, Magetan Regency, Malang Regency , Mojokerto Regency, Nganjuk Regency, Ngawi Regency, Pacitan Regency, Pamekasan Regency, Pasuruan Regency, Ponorogo Regency, Probolinggo Regency, Sampang Regency, Sidoarjo Regency, Situbondo Regency, Sumenep Regency, Trenggalek Regency, Tuban Regency, Tulungagung Regency, Batu City, Kota Blitar, Kediri City, Madiun City, Malang City, Mojokerto City, Pasuruan City, Probolinggo City, Surabaya City.

On page 11, the review team describes the specific methodology and formula used in this study to produce research data on the number of motorcycle populations in 38 urban districts in East Java based on Brand, Type, CC, and Variant. To strengthen the formula and methodology, the study team also presented sectoral data such as population, area, and economic growth rate for each region, namely 38 urban districts in East Java (pages 12-14).

The result is data on the total population of motorcycles in 38 urban districts in East Java based on Brand, Type, CC, and Variant which are described on page 15 for the 2019 period, page 16 for the 2020 period, and page 17 for the 2021 period. Meanwhile, a breakdown of the motorcycle population per type, CC, and variants are presented on pages 18-30.

As a comparison, the review team also presents data on the population of motorcycles in Indonesia for the 2010-2022 period as well as data on motorcycle sales in Indonesia per brand, per type, per CC, per variant for the 2018-2021 period. (pages 31-45)

Study of the Potential Population of the Motorcycle Market in East Java (Motorcycle Population Trends in 38 East Java City Regencies 2019-2021 Per Brand, Per Type, Per CC, Per Variant) was produced by the team with a comprehensive approach method supported by data from BPS , industry associations, government agencies, as well as a number of related company data reports. The industrial data index is the newest feature on which displays dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users carry out the process according to the procedure, namely clicking buy (purchase), clicking checkout, and filling out the form. prioritizes the legitimacy and validity of the data sources presented. All research data and a collection of directory databases are presented in full in the industry data index, which now displays 259 specific databases according to users' needs.(*)

Source: click here


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