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Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Market Report Per Segment

 The 2016-2024 Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Market Segment Growth Study (2021 Pharmaceutical Industry Strategy), released in the third week of January 2021, features independent research, specific data research, comprehensive data, and market outlook. This research data contains 40 pages of pdf size 3.55 MB which is made to be a comprehensive guide and reference for investors, corporations, researchers, and various stakeholders at large.

This data research begins by presenting a brief review (highlights) of the national economy which was affected by two major events in 2019, namely the trade war in developed countries and in 2020, namely the Covid-19 pandemic. A brief review of the dynamics of the Indonesian economy is described in detail on page 2 to page 4. Despite the challenges, there are still opportunities, especially by looking at the global development megatrends, especially related to digitization, until 2045. Then move on to the demographic mapping of the Indonesian population, starting from population projections. population in Indonesia in 2045, life expectancy, composition of the population in urban and rural areas. The number of productive age population in Indonesia is the largest in Asean. (pages 5 to 8) On the other hand, the number and density of population in Indonesia by region is also shown. As well as the contribution of the economy per region to Indonesia's total gross domestic product, with the largest portion still being held by Java.

Followed by the projection of Indonesia's economic growth from 2016 to 2045 with two scenarios (basic scenario and high scenario). (page 9) Also, indicators of economic growth in 2045 and the stages towards a modern economy. (page 10)

Entering the focus of data research, the 2016-2024 Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Market Segment Growth Study (2021 Pharmaceutical Industry Strategy) reviews three main focuses, namely 1) Market demand analysis of trends in the pharmaceutical industry and medical devices for the period 2016-2024 (with a focus on pandemic conditions and its impact); 2. Pharmaceutical market segmentation and its growth trend ahead of the pandemic, as well as the future outlook; and 3. Future growth strategy for the pharmaceutical industry.

The first focus of research is to review the Market demand analysis of trends in the pharmaceutical industry and medical devices for the period 2016-2024 (with a focus on pandemic conditions and their impacts) on pages 11 to page 17. In the first data research focus, the team dissects the pharmaceutical and medical device markets into 5 the main segment, namely prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, generic drugs, medical devices and medical labs, as well as vitamins and supplements. Especially for medical devices, it includes dozens of tools needed in the health sector, such as medical ventilators, stethoscopes, syringes, (injections), thermometers, manual tensimeters, digital blood meters, wheelchairs, Examination beds, infusion sets, Infusion Pole (Infusion Stand), Infusion Pump, Syringe Pump, Pulse Oximeter, Patient Bed, Patient Cabinet (Bedside Cabinet), Urine Bag (Urine Bag), Foley Catheter, Pispot (Urinal), Patient Monitor, Oxygen Mask, Ambu Bag ( Pulmonary Resuscitator), Nebulizer, Spirometer, Lancing Device, Blood Lancet, Hemodialysis Unit, Ultrasound (Ultrasonography), etc.

The five market segments of pharmaceuticals and medical devices were analyzed based on the trend of growth in market value (market size / size business) for the 2016-2024 forecast, to find a correlation to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Market analysis of the growth trend in market value of the five segments is presented on pages 18 and 19.

Followed by the second data research focus, namely the pharmaceutical market segmentation and its growth trend through the pandemic, as well as the future outlook (pages 20 to 25). In this section, growth trends are displayed in a graph, making it easier to read the direction of the market and monitor the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on five segments in the pharmaceutical and medical device markets.

The 2016-2024 Study on the Growth of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Market Segments (Pharmaceutical Industry Strategy 2021) is also complemented by a market demand analysis for the generic drug segment for the 2015-2027 period on pages 26 to page 32.This aims to dissect the growth of one segment in the pharmaceutical market. and medical devices in more depth.

Turning to the focus of the third data research, namely the pharmaceutical industry strategy for 2021 which is shown on pages 33 to 39. In this section, the team analyzes 4 main trends that should be anticipated to formulate a growth strategy in 2021. Then, 4 main trends in the health sector it is analyzed in depth in order to formulate future growth strategies.

The 2016-2024 Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Market Segment Growth Study (2021 Pharmaceutical Industry Strategy) was produced by the team with a comprehensive approach method supported by data from BPS, industry associations, government agencies, and a number of related company data reports. Industry data index is the latest feature on which displays dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users proceed according to the procedure, namely clicking buy, clicking checkout, and filling in the form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented. All research data and directory databases are presented in full in the industry data index, which currently displays 217 specific databases according to the needs of users. (*)

Source: click here



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